
Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Throwback PKC photo shooting

 Having my dry lab now but I super ade mood to blog
Because I have came across with some super funny photo that make me LAUGH UT LOUD in this super quite environment I guess my lecturer must think that he have said something hilarious wtf
Due to time constraint it is 2.40pm now I gotta submit an assignment before 5pm  I can only post a few photos here

Gedik-green-not-so-snake snake

Cute-short-leg Miss Sailormoon wtf

Looking-for-a-bright-future-prisoner I mean teacher

Please-look-into-my-eyes Monk

Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!-I-am-trying-to-scare-u Snake

Hand-drawing-my-real-mustache husband and ermmm Cute wife 

Hui-Mou-Yi-Siao-trying-to-Fang-Dian-MJ-wanna-be villager

Tonight-yea-baby boyfriend and shy girlfriend


Say-hi-to-my-nostril villagers

If u guys read this dont punch me ok

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