思念虽然已不再那么沉重 可是只要想起 只要松懈
有时觉得孤单 因为我知道没有经历过的人是不会明白
当然 不明白也是好事 少些经历 少些情感 也是一种幸福
他带给我那么多的安慰 还有快乐
我只想让情绪安静一些 是否是一件不可能的事呢
熊爸爸告诉我 良缘难求,珍惜
我知道 只是不知道怎么样达到
我已经很珍惜了 我已经付出我的最好
只是我不再完整 该怎么办呢
Monday, 31 October 2016
Saturday, 24 September 2016
2016 Matrix Titan Challenge
Greetings from South Africa! I wish T____________________T
So few weeks back Kid told me he wanna participate a inflatable challenge competition in Seremban, so inflatable challenge it is! #supportivegf It was a almost 2km challenge with inflatable obstacles, like wipe out challenge like that. There were 400 participants in total and to win you gotta make it to the top 20.
The competition flagged off sharp at 7am and not long after I saw kid was one of the few runners leading the crowd! I was so adsorbed cheering for him till I didn't get take nice pictures for him AHHHHHHHHH w(゚Д゚)w
The one and only shot I got was him, the middle one, running towards the finishing point!
And yes, he made it to the top 20! 2km with obstacles in less than 30 minutes! OMG HOW HE DID IT!!?? I was really really really amazed and happy for him!
Happy kid is happy O(∩_∩)O~~
While he was resting, he shared with me saying the race nearly killed him wtf as it was really beyond his stamina, but endurance is the key. I can see it la because this big guy has never been SO PALE after any kind of sports. And I know running not really his strength. Somehow, he has a strong will, he wanted to win, he pushed himself, he kept running and he made it. *clap clap clap*
Free flow of cotton candy and popcorn while waiting for award giving ceremony hehehe
Saw this super cute baby sitting in front of me busy ngawing his tiny fist!! If and only I can pinch his chubby cheeks! HAHAHAHAHAHA
The consolation award goes to Mr Kid! Here's a token of appreciation for your girl. *clap clap clap*
This is kid showing off his bicep.
This is me trying to pretend I have completed the race too.

Congratulation once again kid! I am so proud of you and thank you for keep inspiring me and prove to me that 意志力可以战胜一切 ^__________^
Back home and slept for few hours after having this famous beef noodles in town.
Tuesday, 13 September 2016
Last Dive and We Are Certified!
Getting more tension recently, pimples popping out, eye bag getting bigger. = (
Everything is fine, but still a lot of uncertainties. 万事起头难,I believe this phase will over sooooooooooooooooooooon.
Alright! Back to my diving story.
So, as per the package that we have signed up, in order to get our basic diving license we will need to complete theory classes, six dives which further divide in to shore dive and boat dive and aan open book test.
Personally I think shore dive is harder than boat dive because it is when you need to pick up those basic skills like breathing, assemble and resemble gadgets under the sea, mask cleaning (killing step to me but it is unavoidable), safety precaution, how to overcome emergency issues like saving you diving buddy, run out of air, etc. While for boat dive, as long as you keep calm you can have fun.

That was me suffering from motion sickness. Nearly puke in the first boat dive, then decided to swallow some Veloxin afterward. Continue to explore the underwater world. <3
18.9M from the surface this time.
More independent and more 大胆 clearing my goggles this time hohohoho. And then we were done, refilled our oxygen tank and getting ready for our final dive.

Die die also must hold his hand even in weird angle HAHAHAHA
And kid on the other hand took lotsa beautiful photos for me and I really really appreciate it THANK YOU =)

YAY! I am a certified open water diver hohohohoho #yMoonAchievementUnlock!
Anyway, the service here was indeed great. Will surely be back for our advance license!
Taking some vitamin sea before headed for dinner. This jug of limau ice was way more expensive than a bottle of beer.

Everything is fine, but still a lot of uncertainties. 万事起头难,I believe this phase will over sooooooooooooooooooooon.
Alright! Back to my diving story.
So, as per the package that we have signed up, in order to get our basic diving license we will need to complete theory classes, six dives which further divide in to shore dive and boat dive and a
Personally I think shore dive is harder than boat dive because it is when you need to pick up those basic skills like breathing, assemble and resemble gadgets under the sea, mask cleaning (killing step to me but it is unavoidable), safety precaution, how to overcome emergency issues like saving you diving buddy, run out of air, etc. While for boat dive, as long as you keep calm you can have fun.

That was me suffering from motion sickness. Nearly puke in the first boat dive, then decided to swallow some Veloxin afterward. Continue to explore the underwater world. <3
18.9M from the surface this time.
More independent and more 大胆 clearing my goggles this time hohohoho. And then we were done, refilled our oxygen tank and getting ready for our final dive.

虽然说more independent towards last phase, but I still kinda freaked out when I was all surrounded by fishes. Can you imagine like 一大群的鱼用很快的速度冲向你面前, and they are everywhere and keep swirling around you. Nearly puke underwater oso thanks fishes wtf.
OMG suddenly think of, what if I really vomit tat time? Will the fishes 冲过来要我????? WTF I can so be the main character of this horror movie. #Piranha3
Die die also must hold his hand even in weird angle HAHAHAHA
Look! How I got surrounded by fishessssssss, really positioned in the middle of the swirl. Despite the dizziness and fear, it was really fun and I enjoyed it =D
And kid on the other hand took lotsa beautiful photos for me and I really really appreciate it THANK YOU =)

Anyway, the service here was indeed great. Will surely be back for our advance license!
Taking some vitamin sea before headed for dinner. This jug of limau ice was way more expensive than a bottle of beer.

My second bottle of Hoegaarden Rose <3 <3
Ahhhhhh, 写着写着, I miss the sea already =/
Ahhhhhh, 写着写着, I miss the sea already =/
Sunday, 11 September 2016
Bestie's ROM!
你看看这傻婆兴奋的脸 哈哈哈哈
后面的同学可以不要抢镜吗?才ROM就觉得累了吗!?WTF HAHAHAHAHAHA *laugh at own joke gilaaaa*
还有让我坚定我不会集体注册的原因是,我不要跟人家share那么特别的一天。还有!就因为很多人,所以有些人(例如我)就会开始评价你的妆发还有衣服。甚至老公的外表WTF (Stare at photo number 3 again)。
大爱这张照片。幸福的女生特别漂亮是真的 <3

话说叶红先生穿了睡衣出来。我真的不懂他在想什么。但以惠霓不爱打扮的性格,我们都有质疑说不知道会穿什么来注册 哈哈哈哈哈
我们 <3

With the kid and 蓝蓝的天空

我一直以来都觉得。爱情不只是两个人的事情,而是两家人。曾经看过一本书,书上写说:“You get to choose your another half, but you don't get to choose his or her family.” 不一样的家庭有不一样的风俗习惯,要真正融入一个家庭,原来不是那么简单。爱屋及乌,又有多少人真的可以做到呢。
Signing off with our photo, That's all for this post. Tata ^____________^
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