Slept super early on the first and off to diving centre early in the morning for breakfast. I was expecting severe muscle soreness due to lack of exercise wtf but lucky thing the tiredness wasn't that bad.
Ahhhhhhhhh.. Breakfast like that <3 <3 <3 =D
Went straight for another theory class and second shore dive after breakfast. Picked up more life saving skills which I have completely forget by now LOL
So these were our gadgets, the one on the left was mine, both consist of oxygen tank, oxygen level monitoring device, life vest and breathing accessories. Freaking heavy, I cant even stand up without a lift from diving buddy.
We are required to change our suit and rinse our gadgets with fresh water whenever we completed our dive. Super tedious and tiring because, the wet suit was super tight and body fit which I will need sometime to stuck myself in it FML. Based on coach, this procedure is very important as to protect our skin as well as gadgets from sea water. And I actually noticed he will actually shower with soap everytime he back to the centre. Too bad, on the other hand, I we both be like I NEED CHAIR WHERE IS MY LUNCH
So lunch it is lol
After lunch means, stuck yourself back into the wet suit and get ready for your first boat dive! And boat dive means deep-water dive!

How we entered the sea was just like how you watch those diving scenes from drama. Which we sat by the boat and lay down. Kid be like 1 sec already go down while I took a quite some time to gather courage and kena zha by coach again Turun la Turun la FML
So this is coach trying to explain something that I have already forget. Side view of my set up Macam yes macam professional right HAHAHAHA
But it is not that glam actually
Not 我的正脸。Not very glam I told you.
I was like:"OMG kid, I never know you have to face this ugly face while you dive" 为难你了,如果我是你我会吓到。
My faceeeeeeeeeee 为什么会那么像泡了水的面包 >O< 还有在水里真的会变得超级迟钝,眼神呆滞,动作全部慢半拍。
But still manage to photoboom HOHOHOHO 你看看我那迟钝的手指还有傻逼的脸
Not very glam #2 教练我恨你
你告诉我这是什么照片!! WTFFFFF 我不知道我不知道 我觉得那个教练在玩我们 拍什么东西哦 一定是一边拍一边偷笑 妈妈公公
Holding hand was not trying to be romantic, it was only because, 第一,我怕它咬我。第二,我怕因为我不受控制会向前冲然后撞死那只海龟还有珊瑚。
Anyway! We were very lucky because that was our first dive and we managed to see a few such big size sea turtles and sharks!
Our depth was 11.8m at that time and went as deep as 15m afterward. =D Each diving session lasts about 35mins depending on our oxygen usage and nitrogen recovery time. So that's it for our first boat dive experience.
Chillax by the beach before driver sent us back to hotel =D
Quickly bath and went out to hunt for food. There are variety choices of food but both of use preferred Malay's as it seemed to be more 道地。
Pari Pari i chose you!
Pari Pari i chose you!
真的好好吃 \(^o^)/~ 最后当然少不了
Three cheers to successful boat dive!
More dives coming up next ^___^
Hahahahaha too funny pls I cannot tahan hahahahha nice nice though!!
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